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Supporters of S.V.A.

STONEWALL Veterans' Association
2009 S.V.A. Supporters
N.Y.C. Public Advocate Betsy F. Gotbaum

Time-Out Magazine Story on Betsy G including the S.V.A.

The article correctly states that the STONEWALL Veterans Association.meeting with the Public Advocate Betsy Gotbaum included S.V.A. sponsorship on the agenda; however. it incorrectly mentions the color of the "Stonewall Car" as pink!  The Public Advocate respectfully asked the S.V.A. for permission to have the reporter present at the meeting.  


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Supporters of S.V.A.

P.S.  One of un-published letters to S.V.A. from Betsy's pre-decease-or Marc Gang-Green!

Factoid:  Marc Gang-Green's haterz such as Alun Ratzkov and Horey Johnsin falsely claimed that
'GG' never sent the S.V.A. a letter!  Duh!  What a mindless claim to begin with.  Anyway, who's the liar?  
What a stupid and hateful claim on its surface.  Such 'strategy' results in defeat!  That's what GG got!

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